Discover expert analysis and the modern take on marriage, brought to you by Marie Claire.
Beyoncé and Jay Z's Marriage May Be Over as Soon as Their Tour Ends
By Laura Cohen Published
Why We Didn't Share Our Number
The age-old "How many people have you slept with?" conversation.
By Deanne Kaczerski Published
20 Signs He's in Love With You
Features Bringing you your exact coffee order in bed is basically equal to a marriage license.
By Cosmo Frank Published
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9 Things Every Engaged Couple Should Talk About
Features This is the conversation all twentysomethings should have before getting married.
By Susie Moore Published
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Till Debt Do Us Part
When she married her husband, she took on his debt, too.
By Nona Willis Aronowitz Published
Do or Don't: The Dating Prenup
In today's ever-complicated world of dating, is there a right way to break up with someone?
By Lodro Rinzler Published
Girls Season 3 Episode 9 Recap: Love and Marriage, and Family Bonds
Allison Williams is engaged in real life—is Hannah getting married, too?
By Claire Howorth Published
Even The Pope Wants to Change the Conversation on Women's Rights
In his first lengthy interview, Pope Francis urged for the Catholic Church to hone its message with 'a new balance' on topics including abortion, contraception and same-sex marriage.
By Rebecca Shapiro Published
Home Girls
They may chronicle domestic bliss, but for housekeeping underachiever Sandra Tsing Loh, housewife blogs inspire mixed feelings.
By Sandra Tsing Loh Published
Where the Boys Are
In China, a cultural preference for boys has created such a severe gender imbalance that unmarried men will soon outnumber unmarried women by an estimated 40 million. Abigail Haworth reports on the country's looming marriage crisis from the lonely hearts ground zero — a village full of bachelors who may never find wives.
By Abigail Haworth Published
Heidi Klum: The Heidi Chronicles
Even after the breakup of her seven-year marriage to Seal, the perennially optimistic Heidi Klum is embracing new love, newfound confidence, and the 11th season of Project Runway. Also, don't miss all of the photos from our February cover shoot with Heidi, and check out the star's beauty evolution!
By Laurie Sandell Published
Mann on Fire
Hollywood's most reliable funny girl, Leslie Mann, finally takes the spotlight in This is 40, an uproarious send-up of marriage and motherhood. (Guess whose life it's based on?)
By Yael Kohen Published
Scent of a Marriage
How important is smell in a relationship? Very, argues one woman.
By E.J. Balloch Published
Happily Ever Engaged
What altar? These days, more couples are finding long-term bliss in the prenuptial zone.
By Judy Dutton Published
The Marriage Critique
How a therapist's unconventional advice changed one woman's marriage.
By Susan Shapiro Published
I Had No Idea My Husband Was a Rapist
How Joy Lynn Bruce learned the shocking truth.
By As Told To Sandy M. Fernandez Published
Is Divorce Contagious?
When my friend cheated on his wife, I questioned my own marriage.
By Grace Meyer Published
Kim Kardashian: The 35 Million Dollar Baby
Just weeks before Kim filed for divorce, the most business-minded reality star sat down with Marie Claire to take us inside her crazy life and whirlwind marriage. Don't forget to check out our exclusive shoot with the cover star and our compilation of her most notable red carpet moments. For even more Kim exclusives, "like" us on Facebook!
By Leslie Bennetts Published
Why Are Couples So Unprepared For Marriage?
How To What changes in the transition from committed relationship to married life?
By Rich Santos Published
How To -
I'm Fatter Than My Husband
Till pounds do us part? How one woman's weight gain strained her wedding vows.
By Marie Claire Published
The Reinvention of Reese Witherspoon
The sweetest of stars is settling into a new marriage and a new life as a global activist.For more, check out the exclusive photos from Reese's cover shoot.
By Abigail Pesta Published
Botox Saved My Sex Life
Cosmetic surgery was this woman's only hope for a satisfying marriage.
By Corey Binns Published
Is Monogamy The Best Policy?
I recently came across an article asserting that monogamy is so difficult that many couples may be better off having open marriages, as long as they can agree upon the rules. Am I too mired down in traditional values, or is this idea ludicrous? Is se
By Rich Santos Published
Are you Taking Enough Risks?
With her health and marriage on the line, a lifelong perfectionist learns to chill out.
By Sophie Moura Published
How Gay Marriage Is Good for Straight Women
Will it help ensure that more of us can find "a marriage of equals?"
By Maura Kelly Published
How My Ex-Boyfriends Saved My Marriage
In order to fix her relationship, one woman had to confront her complicated past.
By Susan Shapiro Published