Game of Thrones
Read up on Game Of Thrones with Marie Claire with reviews, analysis, actor insights and all the news you need to keep up to date and informed.
Maisie Williams Thought Arya's 'Game of Thrones' Sex Scene Was a Prank
Joe Dempsie found it kind of weird, too.
By Lucy Wood Published
Will Missandei Betray Daenerys In 'Game of Thrones'?
Arya might not be the only girl who has no name.
By Ineye Komonibo Published
This 'Game of Thrones' Theory About Melisandre Could Explain How the Living Ultimately Win
But not without a lot of deaths first.
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
Is Arya Stark Going to Die on 'Game of Thrones'? Here's What We Know
in the next episode of Game of Thrones, we'll see the big battle between the Night King and the living, in which a lot of people are going to die. There were hints of the carnage to come: In particular, one of our fan-favorites, Arya. So what do we know about the question every GoT fan is dying to know: Will Arya die?
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
Who Should Brienne of Tarth Choose on 'Games of Thrones' — Jaime or Tormund?
The last true knight in Westeros is a hot commodity.
By Ineye Komonibo Published
All the Best Twitter Reactions to Daenerys' Response to Learning Jon Snow Is Her Nephew on 'Game of Thrones'
Features During Game of Thrones Season 8 episode 2, Jon Snow finally reveals the truth about his parents to Daenerys Targaryen, who is more focused on what it means for her reign than on their incest. Twitter had hilarious reactions to Dany's response.
By Marie Claire Published
Features -
What Does the Night King Want with Bran Stark on 'Game of Thrones'?
During the second episode of the final season of Game of Thrones, the characters assembled in Winterfell discussed strategy for the upcoming battle between the living and the dead. Bran Stark (aka The Three-Eyed Raven) volunteers himself as bait, explaining once and for all why the Night King is so obsessed with killing him.
By Kayleigh Roberts Published
Why 'Game of Thrones' Fans Are Hopeful That Catelyn Stark Will Return as Lady Stoneheart After All
Will Lady Stoneheart Appear on Game of Thrones?
By Kayleigh Roberts Published
Is Jorah Mormont Actually Azor Ahai? This Fan Theory Explains Why He Might Be the Prince That Was Promised
On Game of Throne, a prophecy says that Azor Ahai, the Prince That Was Promised, will save Westeros from White Walkers. A new fan theory suggests that Jorah Mormont might actually be Azor Ahai, not Jon Snow or Daenerys Targaryen.
By Kayleigh Roberts Published
Is Arya's Reanimated Family What She's Running From In 'Game of Thrones'?
Basically, Arya could be running from her own undead family in the 'Game of Thrones' trailer—or running to warn everyone that their relatives are reanimated. Dear God.
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
Will Daenerys Turn Evil on 'Game of Thrones? Let's Dig Deep Into This Theory
There are some Game of Thrones fan theories that suggest Daenerys, regardless of whether she takes the Iron Throne or not, ultimately ends up evil. There are two main theories out there about how it all could go wrong, so let's break them down.
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
Daenerys Targaryen Should Not Be Queen of Westeros
I said what I said.
By Ineye Komonibo Published
This Terrifying New Night King Theory Has 'Game of Thrones' Fans in an Uproar
Ever since Game of Thrones had its last premiere this past Sunday, fans have been absolutely poring over every single screengrab of the episode to spot clues for the ending. And some fans are absolutely convinced that they've figured out a huge plot point: Namely, that the Night King is a Targaryen. Uh oh.
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
How Can the Night King Die on 'Game of Thrones'?
The premiere might have dropped a big hint.
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
Will Cersei Die on 'Game of Thrones'? This Fan Theory Is Wild
Game of Thrones fans have been speculating about the big narrative endings of the show: Who wins? Who dies? Wtf is going on with the Night King? And the most important one: How is Cersei going to die?
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
Will Jon Betray the Starks on 'Game of Thrones'?
The secret of his birth will change his life.
By Ineye Komonibo Published
Is Cersei Really Pregnant on 'Game of Thrones'?
Don't start planning that gender reveal just yet, girl.
By Ineye Komonibo Published
Who Will Take the Iron Throne, Based on Every 'Game of Thrones' Star's Zodiac Sign
Game of Thrones' final season is officially underway, and fans are grasping at any and all clues for the ultimate, George R.R. Martin-approved ending. Luckily for us, Kyle Thomas, astrologer for Love By Luna, matched the characters to their astrological sign, which might help you figure it out.
By Katherine J. Igoe Published
How Are Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen Related?
Features Because we know it's complicated.
By Kayleigh Roberts Published
Features -
'Game of Thrones' Fans Are Convinced That Sophie Turner's Latest Instagram Post Is a Huge Spoiler
Or is Sansa just napping?
By Lucy Wood Published
Could Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen Marry on 'Game of Thrones'?
The news that Jon Snow is a Targaryen will have major repercussions for his blossoming romance with Daenerys, or as Jon should have ideally grown up knowing her, Auntie Dany.
By Kayleigh Roberts Published
Bran Stark Was Super Creepy In the Premiere of 'Game of Thrones'
Please. Stop. Staring.
By Ineye Komonibo Published
Arya’s New Weapon on ‘Game of Thrones’ Is Going to Be a “Showstopper”
Arya Stark commissioned a new weapon from Gendry during the season 8 premiere of Game of Thrones. Gendry is Robert Baratheon's last living bastard son and a master blacksmith.
By Kayleigh Roberts Published
Sophie Turner Remembers "Overacting the Hell Out of" This Classic 'Game of Thrones' Scene
In an interview with PeopleTV ahead of the show's eighth and final season, Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner looked back on her most memorable scenes. The actress recalls overacting a scene from season one in which Arya Stark throws food at Sansa Stark.
By Kayleigh Roberts Published
This Is How Season 7 of 'Game of Thrones' Ended was a lot.
By Ineye Komonibo Published
How a Spanish Town Brought a Game of Thrones Battle to Life
Dragons not included.
By Laura Studarus Published