If your old wallet is ready for retirement, now’s the time to dust off your credit card. As an everyday accessory that works hard for its money, make sure you give your purchase plenty of prior thought. Is there enough room for your cards? Do you prefer a zipper or clasp? Perhaps a simple coin purse would suffice? Gucci’s Ophidia range maxes out on both style and substance but as ever, we think Chloé is right on the money.
Katie Holmes Crowns Two New Winter Essentials: A Cozy Patchwork Shearling Coat and These Wildly Popular $195 ‘80s-Inspired Sneakers
The winter jacket watch continues with the actor's cozy jacket and the latest new It shoe.
By Hanna Lustig
Now Is Not the Time for A Wild Closet Clean Out—Try This Instead
You'll thank me later.
By Nikki Ogunnaike
Katie Holmes Perfects the Cool-Girl Weekend Uniform
Shop her laid-back footwear here.
By Kelsey Stiegman