10 Reasons Why it Sucks to Have Your Birthday on Valentine's Day

I am on the verge of my thirty-something birthday and I'm dreading it as usual. Not only because I'm getting older, but because Valentine's Day is the worst f**king day for a birthday. By Erin Toland

Kristen Wiig in a scene from "Bridesmaids"
(Image credit: Marie Claire)

Sharing a birthday with Valentine's Day was cool when I was younger because all I wanted was candy anyway and my friends could actually come to my birthday party—children don't usually snub you for a date when they're seven. As I got older it progressively got suckier for the following reasons.

1. It's not just MY day, it's every girl's day.

Woman destroying heart-shaped cooking

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

2. It's a made up holiday where the shape of hearts you see everywhere are actually the shape of women's bottoms turned upside down.

Woman throwing up in purse

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

3. My mother was very close to naming me Candy.

Woman sitting in classroom

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

4. My friends are always busy with their boyfriends, girlfriends, or lovers.

Man & woman kissing on ferry while friend rolls her eyes

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

5. I'm reminded in early January of my impending age as pink hearts increase in appearance in every store window.

Man proposing to woman, presenting engagement ring

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

6. Dinner reservations are a pain to get.

Man paying maitre d' for reservation

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

7. If I do get a dinner reservation, it's likely a prix fixe menu with some sort of heart-shaped food and a Chocolatetini as themed cocktail.

Waitress presenting menus to guests at dinner, pink streamers hanging

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

8. I have to buy my husband a present too. That's crap.

Woman expressing her anger

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

9. I do NOT want chocolate as a present for my birthday.

Woman expressing her disgust

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

10. The day after my birthday is signified by discarded, half-dead flower bouquets and bins of half off chocolate at my local pharmacy.

Valentine candy on sale

(Image credit: Marie Claire)

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