President Trump Was Audibly Booed *Six Times* During His Congressional Speech

Donald Trump
(Image credit: Getty Images)

President Trump made his first address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, and his message took a different tone than his usual rhetoric. He frequently called on Democrats and Republicans to unite behind his policies. Some subjects elicited applause from both sides of the aisle (see: veterans affairs, infrastructure spending), but, since many of POTUS's goals are already proving quite divisive, there was also some very noticeable dissent.

Here, the six times Trump was audibly booed during his speech:

When he claimed his administration was "draining the swamp" of corruption, even when that's likely not the case:

When he called on Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare:

When he talked about building "a great wall on our southern border:"

When he talked about restarting construction on the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines:

And when he announced a new office, VOICE, Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement, a move that critics found offensive and even racist:

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Megan Friedman

Megan Friedman is the former managing editor of the Newsroom at Hearst. She's worked at NBC and Time, and is a graduate of Northwestern's Medill School of Journalism.