Watch What Happens When John Kasich Says Women "Left Their Kitchens" to Campaign for Him


John Kasich
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Ouch. John Kasich, the Republican presidential candidate and Ohio governor who signed a bill to defund Planned Parenthood this weekend, made a cringe-worthy remark on Monday during a campaign stop in Virginia, saying women "left their kitchens" to campaign for him. The comment inspired at least one woman in the crowd to respond: 

Kasich actually has quite the history of putting his foot in his mouth when it comes to talking about women. Here, a timeline:

November 2015

Kasich asks a woman if she's ever been on a diet

October 2015

Kasich tells a young woman who's trying to ask him a question that he doesn't "have any Taylor Swift concert tickets" for her.

September 2015

Kasich tries to compliment Latinos but instead makes an awkward and borderline insulting reference to his hotel room's maid. 

September 2012

While stumping for Mitt Romney, Kasich says the wives of politicians are at home "doing laundry" and "taking care of the kids." 

Kasich finished fifth in Saturday's South Carolina Republican primary with 7.6 percent of the vote. 

We've reached out to his campaign for comment and will update if we hear back. 

Update: Rob Nichols, a spokesman for Kasich's campaign, emailed the following statement: 

Hillary Clinton also weighed in with this tweet: 

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