20 Products That Helped Me Survive Maternity Leave

Because figuring out how to power through your fourth trimester is almost as hard as labor.

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry and Baby Archie Harrison
(Image credit: Getty Images)

To kick off with a cliché: Having a baby is life-changing. In a matter of seconds (or, in my case, about 48 hours and 39 minutes) you're suddenly responsible for keeping a tiny human fed, clean, warm, adored, well-rested, and entertained. All the while, your body is a wreck, your hormones are raging, and your boobs ache. And then, suddenly, you're sent home from the hospital, baby-in-car-seat and discharge papers in-hand as you wave good-bye to your doctor and the incredible nurses who snuck you extra mesh underwear and taught you the art of swaddling a fragile baby. You love your little one more than you thought was even possible. But still, it's all pretty chaotic—and it's a relief to return to a house stocked with essentials (crib, stroller, baby monitor, etc.), as well as a handful of products that make your life easier.

Every kid is different, and so is every mama. But these 20 products helped me stay comfortable and sane while on maternity leave this past summer—and I hope they do the same for you. 

20. The Peloton Bike

Exercise Bike

(Image credit: Peloton)



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They say nine months on, nine months off. I'm pretty sure my body will never revert to the shape it once was, but who cares? I brought a human into the world and he is worth far more than washboard abs. Nowadays, working out is much more about my mental health than the way I look, and at-home workouts (like Peloton) have been a great way to amp up my endorphins during naptime.


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