Where'd You Get That Body From, Ashley Greene?

She f'ing earned it.

Eyewear, Vision care, Glasses, Sunglasses, Window, Shoulder, Goggles, Waist, Street fashion, Magenta,
(Image credit: Archives)

Kudos to Oakley for calling out all those women who buy the newest and trendiest sportswear to hmm, let's see: shop, lounge around, and maybe hit a Starbucks, but don't actually workout. You know who you are. In their latest female-driven campaign "Made for More," Oakley has tapped one of Hollywood's fittest actresses, Ashley Greene, to spearhead the initiative. Why? Because she is the Oakley girl—cool, smart, competitive, and gets her ass to the gym. Recently in town to run the women-only Oakley New York Mini 10K, Ashley took a breather and chatted with Marie Claire about her lifestyle, go-to playlist, and how she got that body because, well, damn.

Marie Claire: So how'd you hook up with Oakley, of all sports brands?

Ashley Greene: 
It was something we kind of stumbled upon because I initially went to Bali with them to go on a surf trip that I luckily got invited to, and I just had such a blast and really got on with everyone from Oakley and all the athletes. They were like, "You know, you really fit in with what Oakley is about—you should maybe represent us…."

MC: That's so cool! So you were like, "Hell ya?"

 Of course, I was super excited about it! For me, if I'm going to put my name behind something and be a representative, I want it to be organic and I want it to kind of match my lifestyle. I think that my beliefs and Oakley's are very similar. They completely support women empowerment and always challenging yourself, going to that next level. They have an extremely positive message about having an active, healthy lifestyle. So for me it was kind of a perfect match.

MC: Totally. So speaking of your lifestyle—what is your fitness regime because, man, are you in shape!

[Laughing]I try and remain athletic at all times. I've done everything. I used to see Tracy Anderson a lot and I've worked with a bunch of trainers in LA and New York and part of that is because I can't do a certain regime for a long period of time. I get bored. I started working with Jason Walsh and he does something new every single day and it challenges my body every day. And I feel like I have exhausted my muscles at the end of each session. And it's been really cool because he's kind of reprograming my body so that I move correctly, in how we are designed to do. I think from stuff like driving and flying and looking down on laptops and cell phones we've kind of messed our bodies up a little bit [laughing].

MC: Fact! So what kind of workouts do you do with Jason?

 It's a lot of high heart rate and core and glute based. Because those two parts of our bodies should be very strong so we can support everything else that we're doing. It's always interesting. It's always something different. I never know what I'm going to get. And I love that. Because it makes it exciting and because I do get bored really easily.

MC: And of course diet must also be important. What do you stick to?

I do a lot of chicken. I'm trying to do more fish but it's just a lot easier to cook chicken. I probably have brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli once a day if not twice. Obsessed with it. It's really nice because it fills you up in a great way, you don't crave all these other things to kind of fill that void.

MC: What about right before you're going to workout?

 Before every single workout, almost every time, I have gluten-free toast with almond butter and bananas and honey because it's a really great combination to give you that energy and those calories that you need before you go to the gym. For me, especially with the types of workouts I do, if I don't have fat in my body before I go to the gym I might as well just not go. You need that fuel. And you burn it off straight away.

MC: Um, that sounds delicious!

It's really, really good. And it's kind of an exciting incentive. It took a while for me to get over that you need to eat, what everyone tells you: avocado and peanut butter and stuff like that, that is going to give you those healthy fats. But I got over that, thankfully, because I love peanut butter!

MC: And what about your go-to pump up music?

I always listen to Bruno Mars, his "Runaway Baby" song, because it's an awesome song for running. It's super upbeat and of course the whole song is about running…away. And "Sweat," Snoop Dog featuring David Guetta. It's a 5 and a half-minute song, which for me is helpful because by the time the song is over you've run like 2 miles. So those are the two that are always on the playlist.

MC: And finally, your Oakley glasses of choice, what do you wear?

 I like the "Frogskins" a lot. For me I think they're the most comfortable. I also wear these aviator ones called "Feedback." I like those too.

MC: Even their names are cool!

 I know! And you know what's awesome, I have to take them up on this, but they were like, "Yeah, if you were to send in names you could help name some of this stuff."

MC: That's so rad!

 They're really, really an awesome, laid back, cool company. So now I have to come up with names! [laughing]