How to Be More Spiritual in 2020
It's time for you to speak fluent chakra

We're not long into 2020, but it's time to contemplate what you really want to do in this decade. Think about where you were 10 years ago: What has changed? What hasn't? Why? Might a little more spirituality in your life be the change you're looking for?
So let's start by breaking down what we mean by spiritual here. Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines it as "of, relating to, consisting of, or affecting the spirit." Spirit, meanwhile, is defined as "a life-giving force"—and that is what I want to focus on: your individual life-giving force, that thing that keeps you going and helps guide you through dark times. This isn't going to be a list about religion, but rather about finding the things that give you life. Hopefully each of these things will feed and nourish you so that you can become the best version of yourself.
Embrace your spirit (if you haven't already) and see how deep inward you can go. Give yourself so much love you radiate, causing others to take notice and ultimately shining your light on them. Block your ex, cut out your toxic friend, release family traumas, and realize it's time to invest in yourself and focus your energy on you. Promise it will lead to the greatest ROI.
Here, a few activities you can try to increase your spirituality and get more in tune with your true needs and wants as a human. Try one (or all of them) and expect a shift in your life for the better.
Keep a Gratitude Journal
Things can often get crazy and overwhelming in day-to-day life. You have work, family, friends, dating, volunteering, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, etc. Writing in a gratitude journal helps keep you in check. Every night before you go to sleep jot down three things you are grateful for. Once at a wellness retreat, a woman urged attendees to write three things they were grateful for for 21 days without repeating anything; I only did it for about a week, but I'm determined to do it to completion this year and see what changes.
Get Outdoors
Please, put your phone down! Step into nature, hike, perhaps try earthing (which is a practice of removing your shoes and walking on the earth to help rid you of stresses or clear your mind).
A lot of research has been done on the benefits of earthing and forest-bathing, known in Japan as 'shinrin-yoku,' the art and science of how mother nature, trees, and plants promote health and wellbeing in humans. Embrace your inner cave-woman—I promise you won't regret it.
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Meditation did not come easy to me. I tried and quit for years. Eventually I started taking classes with an extraordinary teacher Roman Gonzalez from a great little store called Aura's World in my hometown and, week by week, my world changed for the better. The key is consistency. Even if it's only five minutes, do it every day or every week. Before you know it, you'll be able to release what you no longer need to help you live your highest purpose.
Take a Spiritual Holiday
Spirituality isn't easy. It took me a few months to understand why I was doing what I was doing and how many benefits I was getting from it. Make time for yourself to go inward and listen to your thoughts. There are plenty of retreats you can join and hotels that cater to unplugging, such as Getaway House. Or, you could simply take a drive to the coast and do nothing on the beach all day. Just take time to disconnect and get back in touch with yourself.
Practice Affirmations
Affirmations are nothing new; we all watched Charlotte on SATC try to manifest love more than a decade ago. But the benefits of affirmations are no joke. They help keeps things in perspective and help you set your intention and focus on staying positive, which, in turn, enables you live not only a better life, but live longer. That whole Law of Attraction thing is real (just ask Lizzo) and it works for both the good and bad—so keep it positive, girl.
Trust Yourself
As you become more spiritual, you will realize there is energy all around you. Your intuition will speak to you and it's your job to trust and follow it. Your intuition has nothing but your best interest at heart so don't fret, everything will work out exactly the way it is meant to be.
Speak Your Truth
This should go without saying, but don't lie. You know that quote 'The truth shall set you free'? It truly will! Once you open up about how you're feeling honestly, you will continue to attract and make space for the things you want in life.
Being spiritual isn't just about helping yourself, it's about helping others, too. Many people think the best way to help someone else is with a financial donation, however, donating time, skills, or manpower is enough. You'll be amazed at how much helping someone else ultimately helps you grow and become a better person.
Be Open to Something New
Reiki, sound baths, name the latest "woo-woo" experience and I'll try it. I never regret it—even if it wasn't what I was anticipating. Every time I try something new, I leave with an appreciation of the skill and a deeper understanding of myself.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to practice being a more spiritual person. Just wake up every day and try your best. Eventually, you won't have to try and it will all become routine in your abundantly awesome life.
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Krystyna was the former Social Media Editor of Marie Claire where she oversaw all things social media and connected with readers. She came to Marie Claire from, where she was the Community Manager. Before that, Krystyna was at Latina Mag and Cosmo for Latinas. She graduated with a Marketing major from Fordham University.