Are 'Love Is Blind' Season 8 Stars Devin Buckley and Virginia Miller Still Together?

The youth director and healthcare recruiter find themselves in a love triangle on the Minneapolis-set installment of the Netflix hit.

a split image of love is blind season 8 stars devin wearing a red jacket and virginia wearing a pink dress
(Image credit: Adam Rose/Netflix)

Spoilers for the Love Is Blind season 8 finale ahead. It wouldn’t be a new Love Is Blind season without a good old-fashioned pods love triangle. Netflix’s hit reality show, which returned for season 8 on Valentine’s Day, allows singles to get to know each other sight unseen in individual “pods,” an intimate format that often encourages the show’s stars to bond with multiple people. But the show wants its participants to get monogamously engaged and married, meaning that two-thirds of any love triangles eventually have to pair off. That’s exactly what happens in the Minneapolis, Minnesota-set season between 34-year-old healthcare recruiter Virginia Miller and 29-year-old youth director Devin Buckley, one of the season 8 cast’s most intriguing new couples.

If you’re eager to know what’s gone down between the pair but need to catch up quickly before the Love Is Blind season 8 reunion airs on March 9, here’s what you need to know about Virginia and Devin’s relationship timeline—and whether they might still be together.

devin wears a suit and holds a hula hoop and wears headphones while in the pods in love is blind season 8

Devin in the pods.

(Image credit: Adam Rose/Netflix)

What happens between Virginia and Devin in 'Love Is Blind' season 8?

For most of Love Is Blind season 8’s first six episodes, Devin found himself in a love triangle with Virginia and 35-year-old partnership executive Brittany Dodson. Much of Devin’s life is centered on his love for basketball and working with young people, since he currently assistant coaches varsity girls’ high school basketball, has his own basketball training company, and serves as the program director of a youth sports company. Suffice it to say, if his future partner isn’t fond of shooting hoops herself, it’s important to him that she at least has some interest in it.

Early on, Devin and Brittany, who played and coached Division 1 basketball, bond over their love of the sport. Although Virginia isn’t a basketball player, she is an athlete who has some associations with it; before working in the medical field, she was an NBA dancer. Like Devin, Virginia has a strong desire to make a positive impact in her community. She wrote her healthcare administration dissertation on racial bias in healthcare, which she applies to her current job at a local hospital.

Although Devin and Virginia both dream of having a tight-knit family, they admit to each other that they’re not each other’s usual “type.” Devin typically goes for sporty women, while Virginia shares that, in the past, she has dated more self-centered men and enjoys being pursued because she doesn’t have to be vulnerable.

brittany looks shocked whilte speaking to another woman on a couch in love is blind season 8

Devin also hits it off with Brittany, pictured above, in the pods.

(Image credit: Adam Rose/Netflix)

For his part, Devin opens up to his two finalists about a challenging period during his high school years. He reveals that his struggles with chronic pain and its subsequent impact on his basketball performance led to him dealing with ibuprofen substance abuse and question if there was a point to life if he couldn’t do what he loved. Devin leaned on his faith in God and eventually discovered that his femur bones were rubbing against his pelvic bone, and got surgery on both hips that allowed him to compete pain-free.

“I don’t think it’s the only thing you’re gonna go through in your life. There’ll be other times in life,” an emotional Virginia responds. “But you have a good foundation of where to go when that happens, and that’s important, you know?”

Although Devin and Brittany are kindred spirits, his ambivalence in choosing between his two love interests seemingly ends after Brittany tells him that she has had sexual experiences with women as well as men in the past, although she ultimately sees herself having a husband. Devin responds by admitting that he doesn’t know how he feels about Brittany being queer, going on to ask whether this is her way of saying she’s not interested in him anymore. During their next date, Brittany breaks things off with Devin, saying that she doesn’t think they're each other’s person.

Meanwhile, Devin and Virginia continue to bond over their shared love of God, basketball, and having a family.

virginia wears a blue dress laying on a couch in the pods in love is blind season 8

Virginia in the pods.

(Image credit: Adam Rose/Netflix)

Did Virginia and Devin get engaged in 'Love Is Blind' season 8?

Yes. In episode six, Devin reads a letter to Virginia telling her that although he knows she’s felt underappreciated in past relationships, he promises to make her feel valued and loved. “The last few years of my life have felt very dim,” Devin says. “I have been missing something in my life, and that something is you.”

On cue, Devin gets down on one knee and proposes to Virginia, who accepts. Virginia is visibly nervous yet excited when the two finally meet face-to-face and share a few shy kisses, as Belinda Carlisle’s “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” plays.

Devin Buckley, Virginia Miller in episode 806 of Love Is Blind.

Devin and Virginia during their reveal.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

Do Virginia and Devin make it to the altar on 'Love is Blind' season 8?

Though things seem more promising for Virginia and Devin, as opposed to other couples, episodes 7-9 hint that they'll have to work through some issues before saying, "I do," or, "I don't." Their journey outside the pods starts with an engagement honeymoon in Honduras, where they quickly get along. They both express throughout the vacation that their connection feels natural, with Devin telling Virginia, "You make love so easy." On the final night, Virginia says, "I feel like this trip just made me more sure about that decision."

Once they arrive back in Minneapolis, they get a real glimpse of the other's lifestyle. In a brief scene, Virginia sees Devin's shoe collection at his apartment, and understandably asks, "How much is this habit costing me?" (Marrying a sneakerhead is not for the faint of heart.) While Virginia says she splurges on experiences over items, Devin adds that he doesn't "overdo it" on the shoes, only buying one or two pairs every of couple months.

Virginia Miller, Devin Buckley in episode 807 of Love Is Blind.

Virginia and Devin walk on the beach in Honduras.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

Ultimately, Devin and Virginia's goals aren't misaligned. They both want to rise to the top; he hopes to be CEO of the youth sports company he works for, head varsity coach, and the owner of his own gym. Virginia's working her way up to her dream of being a millionaire, through investments and "making smart decisions for that and for your kids." Their conversations are also possible: They're on the same page about keeping separate accounts and one joint one, and Virginia's willing to help pay for Devin's medical bills. But when Virginia brings up a prenup—a smart, valid decision—Devin's taken aback and has never considered it.

The prenup issue has become a common challenge among Love Is Blind couples (most recently, Catherine and Freddie from the U.K. edition), but Devin and Virginia may overcome it. When they visit Devin's family (and their pet pig), the prenup is also a red flag to his relatives. (It's their only red flag with Miss "I'd never put anyone in a nursing home.") However, even in private, Devin explains to them that the prenup doesn't mean that Virginia's going into marriage thinking of divorce. He tells them, "I'll sign it and tell [her] every time that we don't need to worry about that, 'cause it won't matter anyway."

Devin Buckley, Virginia Miller, in episode 808 of Love Is Blind.

Devin and Virginia share a kiss.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

Though Devin and Virginia have moments of cuteness, especially when showing off how aligned their goals are with their families, the prenup isn't the only hurdle they face in the final episodes before the altar. Thankfully, their pod love triangle isn't one of them. When Brittany and Devin meet in person at the pod reunion party, she points out that he could've been more supportive with his response to her sexuality, giving us the instantly iconic line, "Bruh, everybody a little gay." Though she allows him to reflect on his "immature" response, he says they're better friends. (To me, this feels like a cop-out, but the pair ultimately part on good terms.)

The real surprise with Virginia and Devin comes during a bedtime chat in episode 10 that swings towards politics. After being grilled by Virginia's mom earlier that day, Virginia asks if they still need to discuss before the wedding. Initially, Devin says he doesn't have a strong stance on politics, but when Virginia says she usually votes Democratic, Devin asks whether she tries to "align [her vote] to [her] faith."

Devin Buckley, Virginia Miller in episode 810 of Love Is Blind.

Devin and Virginia talk politics in bed.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

Virginia answers that she does "make decisions from [her] faith," but though she's Christian, she doesn't align with "conservative" views that other Christians who vote Republican may have. She describes it in a very everyone's entitled to their opinions way, but she's also firm that she believes in abortion rights and LGBTQ+ rights. Devon responds that he goes "back and forth" about abortion rights. When Virginia asks if they would be voting the same way, Devon asks, "If we voted differently...would you be okay with that?"

Virginia says she'd be okay with them voting differently, but she does push back that it would be "alarming if [he was] just way on the other end of the spectrum." They gently talk about the fact that the two parties have very different core beliefs before Devin finally admits that his family typically votes conservative "because they are on the side of what their teachings are for religion." Virginia's family does not vote that way. The conversation ends in what seems like an agree-to-disagree place, but we've already seen this season that politics matter in dating.

Virginia Miller, Devin Buckley in episode 811 of Love Is Blind.

Virginia and Devin look over the prenup.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

The prenup issue gets down to the wire. Virginia doesn't present the printed-out document to Devin until the end of episode 11, and it hangs like a specter over their final date. Virginia keeps reiterating that it isn't an emotional thing, but Devin brings up again that people will question why get a prenup unless you're thinking about divorce. (The way he camouflages his concern here by ascribing it to other people is very similar to fellow season 8 cast member Dave.) Devin takes the time to have a lawyer and someone he trusts look it over, which is always smart with paperwork, but the waiting likely doesn't feel great for Virginia. It seems he'll give it back to her signed at their final date, but instead, he gives her a gold basketball and some "Team Buckley" jerseys to wear at their wedding reception.

Finally, after the bachelor and bachelorette parties, Devin tells Virginia that his attorney and his mom looked it over and confirmed that everything's fair and straightforward. Virginia teases, "I wasn't trying to get one over on you," while Devin says he didn't think she was. He adds that because his mom felt okay about it, he felt better about it. They finally sign the document together, and everything's set to get to the big day.

Virginia Miller, Devin Buckley in episode 807 of Love Is Blind.

Virginia and Devin sign the prenup.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

Do Virginia and Devin get married on ‘Love Is Blind’ season 8?

Virginia and Devin start the wedding morning with nothing but kind things to say. Devin tells his friends that he and Virginia have had tough conversations like politics and the prenup, but in a confessional, he says he's glad they figured it out and can move on. In the bridal suite, Virginia gushes over how good a man Devin is and how he shows up for everyone in his life, and his friends and family are very positive and supportive overall. Devin's mom and sister even visit the bridal suite with his adorable niece and give Virginia hugs. In the groom's suite, Devin's mom expresses hope that no one gets cold feet. Ladybugs keep landing on Virginia after she tries on her wedding dress, but she still seems more muted than nervous.

When they make it down the aisle, both Virginia and Devin seem to be teary-eyed. Devin's vows mention how Virginia is pure-hearted and will do anything for the people she loves, while Virginia starts crying again as she remembers them laughing in bed until their stomachs hurt. Devin answers first, and says, "I do"—but Virginia says no.

"I love you so much...but I'm just not ready, she says. "I'm just not ready. I'm so sorry." They both start crying and the crowd picks their jaws up off the floor as Virginia walks back up the aisle. (Netflix, you're rude for showing Devin's dad explaining what happened to the confused niece.)

Virginia Miller in episode 813 of Love Is Blind.

Virginia at the altar.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

Devin and Virginia are visibly heartbroken as they cry with their family members. Devin says in the groom's suite that he doesn't know why Virginia said no, and Devin's mom shades Virginia while wondering why she came on the show if she wasn't ready to get married. Meanwhile, Virginia admits that she was going back and forth before the ceremony in the bridal suite.

"I think in a lot of our relationship, I wanted to protect Devin," she says in a confessional, before explaining that he would never want to talk about topics like politics. "There was just certain things he just didn't want me to push on. So there [were] depths of our relationship that we didn't get to....And even our sexual relationship, we just didn't get to it. So I just think that we should be all the way there before we decide to spend the rest of our lives together."

Virginia also explains that the political issue was off-putting, but it wasn't a dealbreaker, although, she didn't like "how the communication around that was handled." She also adds a completely new issue, via voiceover, "Devin received a check for a wedding present, and his mom was like, 'You know that so-and-so gave you guys a check for a wedding present.' And I was just waiting to see if he would bring it up, but he didn't. It made me not so trusting of him."

Virginia Miller, Devin Buckley in episode 813 of Love Is Blind.

Virginia and Devin at the altar.

(Image credit: Courtesy of Netflix)

Virginia concludes that, though it was hard to hurt everyone, "It was ultimately my decision on how I wanna spend the rest of my life," she says. "If my truth in that moment was not to get married, then that was my truth in that moment. I don't regret my decision."

We don't hear from Devin again until the end of the finale, and he also seems to have no regrets. "I don't think there's anything I wish I could've done differently. She's either gonna love me for who I am, or not," he says. "Regardless of everything that happened, I still care about [Virginia], and I love her. I can't imagine a life that doesn't have her in it. So I'm just really hurting right now."

Are Virginia and Devin still together after ‘Love Is Blind’ season 8?

Based on how it ended, it's very likely that Virginia and Devin did not get back together after the wedding. The pair are both set to be at season 8's March 9 reunion, and based on the teaser, they're set to have a dramatic confrontation.

In the reunion trailer, there's a moment where Virginia says, "The night before the wedding, I saw a note from an ex-girlfriend on his nightstand." Devin shakes his head as she finishes the phrase, but it's unclear whether that was his actual reaction or editing magic. I also wonder whether the ex-note was related to the out-of-the-blue check mentioned, especially since those are two substantial red flags that weren't mentioned until the last minute. Thankfully, we only have to wait two days to hear what Devin and Virginia have to say a year later.

Contributing Culture Writer

Abby Monteil is a Chicago-based writer and editor. Her reporting and cultural criticism can be found at Them, Rolling Stone, The Daily Beast, Elite Daily, and more. You can find her across all socials @abbyemonteil.

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