Ready for Our Close-Up!

Marie Claire's offices were recently invaded by cameras filming our upcoming docu-series, Running in Heels.

joanna coles in her office
(Image credit: Jennifer Graylock, Courtesy of Style Network)

I CONFESS: Not long ago, I caught myself wondering what it would be like to be a cast member on The Hills, stalked by cameras and pouting my way through everything from style issues to traffic jams. Real or not, I rather envied those girls. Nobody looks that good scarfing down a spicy tuna roll. Then I got the chance to see for myself what goes into the making of a reality show.

Marie Claire's offices were recently invaded by cameras filming our upcoming docu-series, Running in Heels, which premieres March 1 on the Style Network. The show tracks the lives of three Marie Claire interns hoping to make it at a women's magazine. Along with various colleagues, I was miked virtually around the clock, which meant that all my indiscreet potshots — about crazy celebs and rival magazines — became juicy fodder for the show's producers. (Forget the dollar jar, ladies. The easiest way to curb your cursing is to walk around with a microphone fastened to your bra.) Thank goodness for Renée Zellweger, featured on last month's cover, who shared this lifesaver with me during her cover shoot: If someone starts a private conversation with you while you're wearing a mike, just tap it repeatedly. It warns the other person that you're not quite alone, while also obscuring the sound. Renée, I owe you one.

For four months now, I've endured cameras catching me racing to meetings, scolding interns who failed to spell-check, and, yes, scarfing down the occasional sushi roll. While some of it won't make the final cut, there'll be no shortage of edge-of-your-sofa drama. So grab your girlfriends, order takeout, and be sure to watch us run!

—JOANNA COLES, Editor-in-Chief

Dedicated to women of power, purpose, and style, Marie Claire is committed to celebrating the richness and scope of women's lives. Reaching millions of women every month, Marie Claire is an internationally recognized destination for celebrity news, fashion trends, beauty recommendations, and renowned investigative packages.