SIR. coupon codes for February 2025
Save with our 5 active SIR. coupon codes on clothing, swimwear, and accessories today.
Enjoy great deals when you join the SIR. loyalty programme
Get a 10% discount on your initial order with SIR sign up.
Enjoy free worldwide shipping for purchases over $300 at SIR.
Grab giftcards from SIR starting at $5
Explore the SIR. Spring/Summer collection from $70
How can I save on shipping with SIR the label?
You can receive free express shipping at this brand when you spend over $300. When you spend under this amount, this shipping method costs $15. Your order should arrive in no more than 2-6 business days.
Are there SIR the label sales?
SIR has a dedicated 'sale' page on its website all year round for end-of-season items. However, special sale day events are usually restricted to dates such as Black Friday. Our savings experts noted last year's Black Friday included up to 40% off selected styles at SIR.
Is there a SIR. rewards program?
Yes, there is a SIR. loyalty program which you can join by clicking the ‘Loyalty’ link at the top or bottom of the page. As you work through the program, there are 4 tiers that will offer you several benefits and rewards.
Does SIR. offer student discounts?
Unfortunately, SIR. does not have a student discount available at this time. If this changes, we will update this page with the relevant details to help you grab the best savings.
What is the SIR. returns policy?
You have up to 14 days from the date of delivery to log your intent to return and send your item back. Please note that only full-priced items can be returned and will incur a return cost of $15 which will be deducted from your refund amount.
Hints and Tips
Sale savings: Save on your next purchase by shopping in the SIR. sale section. There, you can find reduced items including some of their most popular dresses, bikinis, pants, and more. This is a great way to fill your wardrobe with luxury clothing while enjoying more competitive prices.
Newsletter benefits: Make the most out of what SIR. has to offer by signing up for the official brand newsletter. When you do, you will receive a 10% off voucher which can be used on your first purchase. You’ll also be the first to learn about new sales, their latest products, and loads more.
Free exchanges: Get the right fit for you by utilizing the free exchange service. Sometimes, your latest purchase isn’t quite right for you but you can easily find the right size and color for you without incurring an extra cost.
Further Markdowns: Whilst sales are already a great place to shop, check the ‘Further Markdowns’ section from the ‘sale’ page. You’ll be able to shop timeless clothing items reduced to clear. Our savings experts have previously noted iconic SIR. dresses with discounts of over $100.
How to use your SIR. coupon code
- Check out our SIR. coupon codes and click ‘Get Code’ to copy your chosen code to the clipboard.
- Head over to the SIR. website to begin your shop.
- Add your favorite items to the shopping bag.
- When you’re happy with your selection, begin the checkout process by clicking the bag icon at the top of the screen followed by the ‘Checkout’ button.
- On the next page, there is a ‘Discount code and gift card’ box where you can enter your chosen SIR. coupon code.
- To secure your savings, click the ‘Apply’ button next to the box.
How We Source Our Codes
At Marie Claire, we have a dedicated team of deal experts, commercial colleagues, and editors who find and negotiate the best promo codes and coupons, as well as produce content aiming to help you shop affordably.
We have a dedicated team of 3 deal experts that are constantly sourcing and testing coupons and promo codes for some of the biggest retailers in fashion, beauty, and beyond to list on our website. They also work with affiliate networks to get a heads-up on future deals and discounts. This means we can update our pages
Meanwhile, our commercial colleagues are key to keeping good relationships with retailers. Their experience with lifestyle vouchers helps them to negotiate the best promo codes and exclusives for you.
On the pages themselves, you’ll find carefully researched saving information for all your beauty, lifestyle, and fashion purchases. Our contributing editors have years of experience in the industry and consistently update the page to reflect new ways to save. You’ll find helpful discount FAQs and saving tips which are checked and verified regularly.
What if my promo code doesn’t work?
Our team always tries to make sure any out-of-date sales or incorrect codes are not included on our coupon pages. To do this, we check a few things, including:
- Trying the code and checking if they are valid ourselves.
- Check we don’t have any unique, one-use codes.
- Looking at the offer conditions to make sure you’ve got all the information.
However, there are occasions when details change or the codes may expire without us knowing. If this happens, be sure to contact us by emailing so we know.
How do we make money?
It’s completely free for customers to use the coupon codes we have above. We’ll get a small percentage of the money spent as a commission from the retailer you shop at. As with most businesses, we do need to make money however this will never impact the price you pay. The brand will give us a small share of the profit for connecting you to them. This helps us keep going whilst saving you more money.
Simply put, the retailer makes a sale, we get a commission, and you get a discount.
Shona Moreland is a fashion writer who has been writing commercially for over two years. Since 2022, she has specialised in fashion and homeware, focusing on producing money-saving content to create unique homes and wardrobes for less. When she’s not writing budget-friendly fashion tips, her creativity keeps flowing in the form of fiction writing, music, and drawing.
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About SIR.
SIR. —also known as Sir The Label—is a women’s fashion brand that brings simple and minimalistic looks to everyday wardrobes. Founded in 2014 by Nikki Campbell and Sophie Coote, SIR. focuses on bringing ready-to-wear wardrobe essentials with contemporary twists. You can shop a wide range of pieces including dresses, swimwear, and accessories. Think muted tones and a stony-elegant aesthetic, with a focus on staple black and white pieces, all to help you build wearable outfits. Whether you're searching for an investment piece or want to add subtle tones to your wardrobe, save on your purchase with our verified SIR. coupon codes or by reading through our expert savings advice.
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Shona Moreland is a fashion writer who has been writing commercially for over two years. Since 2022, she has specialised in fashion and homeware, focusing on producing money-saving content to create unique homes and wardrobes for less. When she’s not writing budget-friendly fashion tips, her creativity keeps flowing in the form of fiction writing, music, and drawing.