Staind Frontman Chastises Male Fans for Taking Advantage of A Crowd-Surfing Young Girl

As he should.

Hair, People, Fun, Drum, Musician, Musical instrument, Human body, Music, Idiophone, Hand,
(Image credit: Archive)

It's no secret that artists and bands love their fans, but that doesn't mean they'll look past unseemingly behavior during a show. Case in point: Staind frontman Aaron Lewis.

During the rock band's performance at Kansas City Rockfest 2014, Lewis noticed that a group of men were taking advantage of young girl who was crowd-surfing. Mid-song, he couldn't tolerate it anymore and decided to do something. He proceeded to chastise the men in a #NSFW rant, which ended with him telling the girls: "Now girls, feel free to crowdsurf safely." His blusters were met with cheers from the audience.

As someone whose crowd-surfed a few times in her day, I appreciate this bold admonishment — especially on the heels of Iggy Azalea's outspokeness on the issue. Just last month, the Australian rapper revealed that she has to take precautions when crowd-surfing during her concerts due to fear of being assaulted.

Watch Lewis' diatribe at the 0:40 mark, below:

Beauty Editor

Lauren Valenti is Vogue’s former senior beauty editor. Her work has also appeared on,, and in In Style. She graduated with a liberal arts degree from Eugene Lang College, The New School for Liberal Arts, with a concentration on Culture and Media Studies and a minor in Journalism.