Twitter Has a Lot of Feelings About Kanye West's MAGA Hat

His off-the-wall Twitter antics continue.

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(Image credit: Getty Images)

Kanye West just can't stop tweeting, and this time, the president is involved. Welcome to 2018, everyone.

West recently returned to Twitter and he doesn't seem to be holding anything back, including sharing his support for Trump and posting a photo of himself wearing a Make America Great Again hat.

Despite the backlash, West posted another photo of the hat, showing off Donald Trump's signature on the front. He also shared that Peter Theil had reached out to him for a meeting. He also recently retweeted various videos by conservative cartoonist Scott Adams.

Earlier in the day, Kanye West tweeted about loving President Donald Trump despite not completely agreeing with his ideals, calling him a brother. Trump soon tweeted out his thanks to the rapper for his support.

Trump may have liked the rapper's tweets, but many fans of Kanye did not—and they didn't hold back when it came to photos of the hat and Trump's response.

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Some fans have also asked for Kim Kardashian to step in to stop Kanye from tweeting anything else.

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Others have shown their support for Kanye despite his recent pro-Trump tweets.

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Fans aren't the only ones sharing their opinions about the hat. West later posted a screenshot with text messages from designer Tracey Mills, who also seemed to be surprised by West's recent tweets.

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Celebrities like John Legend also joined in on the conversation. He didn't directly reference West, but it's clear Kanye's tweets sparked the musings.

Legend begins, "I imagine there's some comfort in imagining a future without racism and projecting that onto the present. Thinking if we just deny the truth, it doesn't exist. If history is erased, we don't have to deal with its consequences. However..."

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"Far too many people don't have the luxury of closing their eyes and ears. They feel it in their lives and can't act like what they see and know doesn't exist."

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"They know their family was destroyed by deportation or incarceration. They know their loved one was denied safe harbor because of their religion. They know their son or daughter was shot because their skin color evoked fear..."

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"They see the statistics about black applications for real estate or loans or employment being turned away because their name was Jamal and not James..."

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"I love that great, brilliant artists have the power to imagine a better future. But artists can't be blind to the truth."

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Jordan Peele also tweeted that Kanye's rant yesterday motivated him to start working on the script for Get Out 2.

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Meanwhile, Chance the Rapper showed support for the artist tweeting, "Black people don’t have to be democrats."

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West has been making headlines due to his tweets over the past couple of days. In addition to sharing his thoughts about Trump, he also mentioned changes in his team including firing his manager. Kim Kardashian tweeted out in defense of her husband and his recent tweets.

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Tamara Fuentes

Tamara Fuentes is the current Associate Entertainment Editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers TV, movies, books, celebrities, and more. She can often be found in front of a screen fangirling about something new. Before joining Cosmopolitan, she was the entertainment editor over at Seventeen. She is also a member of the Television Critics Association and the Latino Entertainment Journalists Association. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram.