Kim Kardashian Just Spoiled the Ending of \201cSpider-Man: No Way Home,\201d and Twitter Is Furious

\201cI’ve never hated someone so much.\201d

Kim Kardashian spoils Spider-Man
(Image credit: Getty)

It’s an unwritten rule among Marvel fans: You do not spoil the endings of movies. Kim Kardashian apparently didn’t get the memo, however, as she just ruined the ending of Spider-Man: No Way Home for her 273 million Instagram followers.

On Monday evening, Kim cozied up in her home theater to watch the latest Tom Holland movie, which she seems to have gotten a special version of since the film is not available on streaming services yet. 

When she got to the end of the film, she decided to take photos of the screen and share them to her Instagram Story—and the photos just so happened to reveal major spoilers for people who have yet to see No Way Home.

(Don’t worry, we won’t replicate Kim’s error by saying what exactly the spoilers were.)

The reality star must have realized her mistake, as she deleted the pictures just a couple hours after uploading them. But the damage was done by that point, and Marvel fans quickly took to Twitter to express their dismay (and outrage) over Kardashian’s cinematic faux pas.

Many people have been waiting until Spider-Man was released on Disney+ to see it, as the threat of COVID is still looming large for many of us. They were quick to point out that Kim should have been way more sensitive, as opposed to posting pics from her mansion’s cushy home theater.

You can probably imagine what these angry tweets might have looked like, but we’ve rounded up some of the more…emotional…ones for your reading pleasure. Check them out, below:

“I’ve muted everything Spider-Man related on all my socials to avoid spoilers since I’m watching it tomorrow …. Just for Kim Kardashian to post a whole f*cking spoiler on her ig” (@GeorginaaSparks)

“Out of all the ways Spider-Man could’ve been spoiled for me, I did not expect it to be by Kim Kardashian.” (@nickayla)

“Now why did @KimKardashian ruin Spider-Man for me?!? What did I ever do to you??!!” (@_QveenElla)

“I went all this time without Spider-Man spoilers JUST to have Kim Kardashian ruin it for me in her insta story” (@urfavvirgoken)

“Nothing says privilege like getting a movie in your own private theatre and spoiling it for those of us who are trying to stay home and safe!” (@goalstone22)

“I don’t even fucking follow Kim kardashian and the one moment I decide to watch her stories on instagram she post literally THEE whole spoiler of spider man. I’ve never hated someone so much” (@serenearaya)

“Of all f*cking people, Kim Kardashian just spoiled #SpiderManNoWayHome for me! I follow her on IG for the morbid curiosity and that bit me in the ass! Was waiting until it was streaming cause of Covid. I’m no mad right now!” (@sarahwandered)

Caitlin Morton
Freelance Writer

Caitlin Morton is a freelance writer based in Kansas City, with more than eight years of experience covering travel, pop culture, and fashion. Her byline has appeared in Condé Nast Traveler, Vogue, Architectural Digest, AFAR, Real Simple, Thrillist, and many more publications.