Harry Left Royal Family Due to "Lack of Support and Lack of Understanding," He Says

\201cMy father and brother, they are trapped. They don’t get to leave.\201d

In Sunday's CBS interview with Oprah, Prince Harry explained his reasons for leaving the royal family were due to a “lack of support and lack of understanding.” During a discussion about Harry’s frustration with the British press, he acknowledged that although the “UK is [his] home,” he had to remove his family from the situation because he “could see where this was headed,” in what could be a reference to the struggles of his mother, Princess Diana.

Prince Harry also explained his efforts to protect his family from the press. “I asked for calm from the British tabloids. Once as a boyfriend, once as a husband, and once as a father.”

Oprah pressed Harry to clarify his motivations to leave: “Was the move about getting away from the UK press, because the press is everywhere, or was the move because you weren’t getting enough support from the firm?”

“Both,” Harry confirmed.

Harry also claimed that he never “blindsided” the queen, in a reference to the stories surrounding their departure from the royal family that were featured in the British tabloids. According to Harry, the story emerged from the “institution.”

He continued, “I would never blindside my grandmother, I have too much respect for her.” Harry also admitted that his father “stopped taking [his] calls,” because of his decision to move.

When asked about his immediate family, Harry said, “My father and brother, they are trapped. They don’t get to leave.”

"If you'd had the support, you would still be there," Oprah mused.

"Without question," Harry answered.

Zoe Guy

Zoe Guy is the digital fellow at Marie Claire, where she covers pop culture, hot celebrity gossip, movies and TV. She’s obsessed with Martin Scorsese’s adaptation of The Age of Innocence, anything written by Jesmyn Ward and stan Twitter.