On Meghan Markle's Birthday, She Always Wishes for This One Thing

What do you wish for when you're a princess?

Meghan Markle
(Image credit: Anwar Hussein)

This Saturday will mark Meghan Markle’s 37th birthday. But what exactly do you wish for on your birthday when you’ve already gained a stellar career for yourself, a good heart, a handsome prince husband, and actual vacations in a Queen’s castle? Luckily, someone’s done their research and discovered that there’s one, simple thing that Meghan always thinks of when she blows out the candles each year.

Writing on her old blog The Tig, the former Suits actress once explained how she uses her birthday as the perfect excuse to look back on the past twelve months, look towards the future and reflect on the goals that she wants to set herself for the upcoming year. Meghan also revealed that her go-to birthday wish has always been inspired by her mother, Doria Ragland.

Penning the post back in 2016, Meghan wrote: “My mom has always said that birthdays are your own personal New Year. Your own chance to make resolutions just for yourself and what you prognosticate for your year ahead.” Her birthday wish? She reveals: “More surprises, more adventure, more opportunities to grow, more days filled with giggles and cheeky jokes, more delicious meals, and more inspiration. Always more inspiration.”

Meghan Markle and her mother, Doria Ragland

(Image credit: STEVE PARSONS)

In an essay for ELLE UK back in 2014, the Duchess also made a second, heartfelt and positive birthday wish to her followers. “I am 33 years old today, and I am happy. And I say that so plainly because, well…it takes time. To be happy. To figure out how to be kind to yourself. To not just choose that happiness, but to feel it.

“For my birthday, here’s what I would like as a gift: I want you to be kind to yourself. I want you to challenge yourself. I want you to stop gossiping, to try a food that scares you, to buy a coffee for someone just because, to tell someone you love them…and then to tell yourself right back. I want you to find your happiness.”

Sweet, right? Let’s hope this upcoming birthday, which Meghan will be celebrating at the wedding of one of Prince Harry’s close friends, is filled with just as much happiness as these were.

Meghan Markle at Sentebale Polo 2018

(Image credit: Samir Hussein)
Lucy Wood

Lucy Wood spends most of her time writing about celebrity news, reading books, and waiting for the glorious day that she have enough millions for a pet sloth. She also has a YouTube channel on the go where she pretends to know things about fashion and life advice.