Climb the Corporate Ladder Overnight

Did we mention it's free?

Khan Academy
(Image credit: Getty Images)

Having one job these days means really doing five, and the skills on our resumes should far exceed the listed qualifications for any given field. It's no longer enough to just be prepared; we have to be well-rounded. The new-age working woman is the total package: she knows computer programming, can do her own taxes, and she's well versed on avant-garde art in 19th century France.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of working life, knowing it all can be incredibly overwhelming and mastering a slew of new skills may not be number one on your to-do list—but it should be. Want that promotion? Stop saying "I'm not a math person" and start stepping out of your comfort zone. Trust us, it pays off. And with all of the access that our 21st century digital age has granted us, there really are no more excuses. Case in point: Khan Academy, a free, virtual learning space that teaches via video, where #YouCanLearnAnything, and money and time are non-issues. It's a win-win-win.

Learn To Code

If you missed the memo, let me fill you in: Coding is the skill to have right now. You never knew you'd need it, but now America can't live without it and—trust us— write it on a resume, and you're hired. Lucky for you, Khan Academy's got the hookup. The website offers a series of videos on computer programming and cryptography, plus challenges and quizzes to test your knowledge, so it's just like taking a real class. No more playing the "I was an English major" card.

Save Money, Be Happy

Number one way to win at work? Save your company money. Khan Academy offers comprehensive classes on stocks, investments, and market capitalization, so you can be your boss's most trusted financial advisor – can anyone say "promotion?" Plus, the website's economics section covers everything you need to know about being a functioning adult, but can't even begin to understand. From home owning to doing your own taxes, Khan Academy's got you covered.

Get Cultured

Regardless of your industry, it pays to be cultured. With Khan Academy's art history and music classes, you can be the life of the office party! Impress your boss with your with your knowledge of post-modernism and ability to discern Monet from Manet—bonus points if you can discuss 20th century art as it pertains to the changing global economy.

Do Your Civic Duty

Ever feel like the cat's got your tongue when your coworkers discuss politics? I get it, it's been a long time since you took US Civics in high school, and sometimes the details can get a little hazy. Khan Academy will give you a much-needed refresher course on Medicare, the Electoral College, and "Fiscal Cliff," so you can stay well-informed and keep up in any political conversation.

Be the Next Business Mogul

The ultimate working woman doesn't just do business, she starts it. If you've ever wanted to own your own company, Khan Academy is the place to start. With interviews and personal insights from entrepreneurs and CEOs in dozens of industries, you'll be a pro in no time. Beautiful, smart, and you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Now that's our definition of an icon in the making.


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Jenna Blaha