The Marie Claire Glossary of Work Vocabulary That Doesn't Exist but Should

To more accurately describe the agony and the not-ecstasy that is your job.

The Marie Claire Glossary of Work Vocabulary That Doesn't Exist but Should
(Image credit: Getty, design by Jen Baumgardner)

What is the purpose of language if not to communicate one's displeasure? Science might not be able to give a firm answer re: complaining's effect on your health, but here, we've gone ahead and whipped up a few new words with which you can express yourself all the more eloquently at the office.1.



(Image credit: Design by Jen Baumgardner)

As in "fear of closing tabs," though in more liberal work environments, you could very well pronounce the acronym. Describes the feeling when you have so many sites open that the little arrows at the ends of your browser appear, but you're too scared to close any of them in case you need them later.

Proper usage: "But what if I'm on a call and I don't have the GDP of Uruguay handy? WHAT IF I'M ON A CALL WITH THE PRESIDENT OF URUGUAY?! So much FOCT right now."



(Image credit: Design by Jen Baumgardner)

When it's 4 p.m. and you have no will to go on (i.e. low motivation), but you have to because you've had no will to go on since 10:30 a.m.

Proper usage: *groaning from under desk* "I HAVE LOOOOOO-MOOOOOOOOO."



(Image credit: Design by Jen Baumgardner)

A (should be) mandatory pause in the day during which colleagues partake in snack-eating, sleeping, and/or drinking strong German alcohol.

Proper usage: "TIME FOR A SHNAP BREAK!!!!!"



(Image credit: Design by Jen Baumgardner)

A dull, dry complexion and bloodshot eyes caused by staring at a computer screen all day. Not to be confused with the other "beat face" describing expertly applied, transformative makeup.

Proper usage: "My face is so beat not even a whole bottle of Glossier face mist could revive it."



(Image credit: Design by Jen Baumgardner)

Keeping your emails unread because you don't have time for that sh*t, plus the higher the number, the closer to feeling popular.

Proper usage: "Sorry I haven't responded to your email...I uh...haven't read it yet. I know it's from three weeks ago—I, um, have a really bad case of inbox avoidance?"



(Image credit: Design by Jen Baumgardner)

At the end of the day, when you and your coworkers clumsily, pointedly eye one another while packing up slowly because you don't want to be the first one to leave.

Proper usage, internally: "Ugh, Veronica. Just stop lubber-necking and get out of here, damn it."

Assistant Editor

Chelsea Peng is a writer and editor who was formerly the assistant editor at Marie Claire. She's also worked for The Strategist and Refinery29, and is a graduate of Northwestern University. On her tombstone, she would like a GIF of herself that's better than the one that already exists on the Internet and a free fro-yo machine. Besides frozen dairy products, she's into pirates, carbs, Balzac, and snacking so hard she has to go lie down.