Your guide to personal finance from Marie Claire, with news and features from financial experts.
Age vs Money: How Time Changes Our Perception of Cash
$20 when you're 18 isn't the same as $20 when you're 48.
By Diana Pearl Published
Obama Says Putting A Woman On Money Is a "Pretty Good Idea"
About time.
By Diana Pearl Published
What Does It Cost to be Single These Days?
Blowing that hard-earned paycheck on shoes and cocktails? Saving for a down payment? Best part of being single: The money—and the decisions—are yours. Single Girl's Guide To: Flying Solo | Traveling the World | Building Your Own House | Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro | Driving Cross Country | Meditating for a Month | Starting Over
By Marie Claire Published
What It Costs to Be Me
You talk about everything else: relationships, family, work. But money what you make, what you spend remains a secret topic among friends. MC rounded up five career women across the country and surveyed their salaries, savings, and
By Marie Claire Published
Do You Have Executive Presence?
How To You're smart, driven, and good at what you do. But that alone won't be enough to score you a promotion or corner office. A slew of other factors that constitute "executive presence" — from your wardrobe to your ability to inspire colleagues — will also play a huge role in how far you'll go. We've broken it all down for you right here, from the big ideas to the finishing touches. So consider this the ultimate how-to guide for your brilliant career.
By Marie Claire Published
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Will Money Destroy Your Marriage?
Secret bank accounts, hidden documents, foreclosure notices — women across the country are uncovering shocking signs of financial infidelity.
By Leslie Bennetts Published
The Controversial Rise in Manimony
Women have worked so hard to get this far and make some serious cash — so why should they have to pay alimony to their exes?Plus, find out how much Hollywood's highest-paid female stars have shelled out to their exes.
By Hilary Stout Published
Mika Brzezinski Speaks: How Getting Fired Saved My Career
Before finding her place as cohost of MSNBC's Morning Joe, the correspondent was fired. She dissects her unlikely comeback.
By Anna Maltby Published
Are Your Parents Stealing Your Identity?
The people you trust most in the world — Mom and Dad — might be ripping you off.
By Jenny Deam Published
What It's Like to Work in a Morgue
One woman gives an inside look into her life as a hospital's mortuary manager and go-to corpse wrangler.
By Jihan Thompson Published
A Guy's Perspective on Sugar Daddies (& Mamas)
I read a fellow blogger's post about how to obtain a sugar daddy, and it was pertinent, given my experience. I actually disagreed with a couple of her points.
By Rich Santos Published
3 Questions to Consider Before Starting Over
How To Are you ready to change careers? Here are three things you should ask yourself before you make the jump.
By Mimi Su Published
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Is It OK for Women to be Breadwinners?
He Said/She Said
By Diana Vilibert Published
What's the Most You've Spent on Beauty?
Four women spill about their beauty splurges.
By Marie Claire Published
When White-Collar Hubbies Go to Jail
What's it like when your high-rolling husband is imprisoned for fraud? Gretchen Voss learns the surprising details from three women who lived the headlines.
By Gretchen Voss Published
The Feminist Gold Digger
Smart Girls Marry Money: How Women Have Been Duped Into the Romantic Dream - And How They're Paying for It
By Marie Claire Published
Women We Wish Were Better at Their Jobs
The victims of Bernard Madoff's breathtaking $50 billion swindle may be short on cash these days, but they have plenty of blame to pass around.
By Lea Goldman Published
The Billionaire's Black Sheep
What's it like when your grandpa is the richest man in the world? For Nicole Buffett, it means forgoing cable TV and health insurance and making do on $40,000 a year. Here, she dishes on her upbringing and why her grandfather Warren Buffett disowned her.
By Leah McGrath Goodman Published
10 Ways to Kick-Start Your Resolution to Save Money
Features Put down that credit card -- Marie Claire tells you how to kick off your resolution to save money this year.
By Diana Vilibert Published
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5 Ways to Take Advantage of the Financial Crisis
Features From wise budgeting to cashing in on some great deals - here, advice for surviving the economic downfall.
By Hannah Geller Published
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Real-Life Money Confessions
You'll dish about bikini waxes, bad dates, and your bitchy boss. But when it comes to your money, suddenly it's too personal. Marie Claire exposes the secrets women hide inside their wallets.
By Marie Claire Published
Mo' Money, Mo' Problems
We asked financial guru Farnoosh Torabi how to navigate a few sticky predicaments.
By Marie Claire Published
5 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund
Features It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Now that most Americans have filed their tax returns—an estimated 10 million applied for extensions—the wait is on for the much-anticipated refund checks. This year the IRS says the average tax refund is $2,464. Those checks will soon be followed by an “economic stimulus check” of between $300 and $1200, depending on whether you’ve got a family. The Federal government (and retailers) hope your newfound feelings of prosperity will translate into a trip to the local mall where you’ll pump your cash right back into the moribund economy. Before you blow your cash on car payments or flat screens, it’s worth honestly considering your financial situation before making any decisions.
By Jihan Thompson Published
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7 Ways to Save Money
How To A new book offers realistic rules for saving — and spending — it.
By Sarah Wexler Published
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How to Save Money While Traveling
How To
By Marie Claire Published
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How to Invest in Real Estate
How To Real estate investors are a different breed.
By Ian Parrish Published
How To