There's a Group of People Photoshopping Plus-Size Celebs to Make Them Appear Skinny

#ThinPride? Seriously?!

Clothing, Dress, Sleeve, Shoulder, Textile, Gown, Formal wear, Flooring, Fashion, Neck,
(Image credit: Operation Harpoon Facebook/Screenshot)

In Horrible News of the Day, a movement called "Operation Harpoon" has gone viral for their grossly inappropriate images in which plus-size celebs (and, perhaps even more grossly, non-celebs) are photoshopped to make them appear thin. 

While their Facebook page has been removed, their Tumblr offers the following "mission statement":

is a page dedicated to showing both sides of modern day beauty
current societal fashion, a recent trending surge of "pro-obesity"
and "fat acceptance" have paved the way for many people to renounce exercise and personal healthcare in general. This page aims to only show
that being skinny is okay as well! Skinny-shaming is not okay :)."

Look, of course skinny-shaming isn't okay, because allwomen are beautiful. But to actually transform someone's body so it appears slimmer—and then celebrating that completely non-existent but "better" look—is ignorance in its purest, most heinous form. 

Ugh. Need a palette cleanser? Check out these 30 inspiring women putting body-shamers in their place.

Diana Bruk
Viral Content Editor

My writing has regularly appeared in The New York Times, The Paris Review, Salon, VICE, Guernica, The New York Observer, BuzzFeed, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, Esquire, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, and many more publications. I was previously the Senior News Editor at Best Life Online and the Viral Content Editor in the Newsroom of Hearst Digital Media. My portfolio consists of a vast and diverse body of work that includes personal essays, lifestyle articles, breaking news posts, and viral content. My areas of expertise, however, are Russia, sex and relationships, and mental wellness.