This Superfood Beauty Powder Will Rescue Your Skin

Skincare never tasted so good.

Ingredient, Flour, Powder, Chemical compound, Metal, Circle, Kitchen utensil, Silver, All-purpose flour, Bread flour,
(Image credit: archive)

Try as we may to be conscious of the fact that when it comes to skin, you are what you eat—our diet often falls short. The reason can be summed up in five letters: P-I-Z-Z-A.

Because of said glorious Italian delicacy, and other delicious foods like it, we're always on the hunt for skin-saving supplements that will make up for our sins. So, imagine our delight when we learned that a self-professed beauty powder had officially hit the market. Concocted by Carla Oates, AKA The Beauty Chef, the Glow Inner Beauty Powder ($59.95) is made up of naturally-fermented super foods, prebiotics, and probiotics.

This organic cocktail of ingredients—including chick peas, quinoa, chia, ginger, turmeric, and green tea—seeks to, you guessed it, make you *glow* from the inside out, as it's chock full of anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and amino acids. If that sounds enticing, just wait till the science behind it is decoded.

"The beauty of nutrient dense powders is that they are bio-fermented, which means the nutrients become more bio-available to the body to absorb," explains Oates. "We digest between 12-25% of what we consume, but when it is lacto-fermented, like all of our products are, we absorb up to 85% of what we consume."

As far how to consume the powder, it can be ingested anyway you like as long as it's not heated. You can add it to water, yogurt, coconut water, almond milk, or sprinkled over your cereal among other things, says Oates. Or, you know, sprinkled on cold pizza, if you fancy.

But if you've got culinary savoir-faire, you can find a slew of recipes on The Beauty Chef site, including chai smoothies and chocolate balls of bliss. Bon appétit, skincare junkies!

Product, Text, Font, Lid, Peach, Material property, Cylinder, Circle, Chemical compound, Label,

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The Beauty Chef Glow Inner Beauty Powder 150G (lasts for up to 30 servings), $59.95;

Beauty Editor

Lauren Valenti is Vogue’s former senior beauty editor. Her work has also appeared on,, and in In Style. She graduated with a liberal arts degree from Eugene Lang College, The New School for Liberal Arts, with a concentration on Culture and Media Studies and a minor in Journalism.