Rich Santos
Latest articles by Rich Santos
Why Am I Afraid to Be Naked?
Features I have a major problem: I hate myself when I'm naked. Perhaps it is because naked men are gross, so I feel gross. Sometimes I wonder how women can even bring themselves to get close to our male bodies.
By Rich Santos Published
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Are Fights Ever Good for a Relationship?
Is fighting actually healthy for a relationship?
By Rich Santos Published
What's Your Favorite Song to Make Out To?
I have programmed an entire list of songs to play in case I'm lucky enough to bring a lady home - it is entitled "Passout." I feel inclined to share - hopefully some of you can download these tunes and share your thoughts.
By Rich Santos Published
6 Ways to Make It Easier for You to Dump Someone
How To Breaking up is a selfish act that is a necessary evil in life. But there are easier ways to do the whole process.
By Rich Santos Published
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12 Morning-After Do's and Don'ts
Features Tips for keeping morning-after awkwardness to a minimum.
By Rich Santos Published
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When Are You Over Someone?
The industry standard for getting over someone is half the duration of the relationship. So, if I get out of a yearlong relationship in December, according to this rule, I should be over that person by June of the next year.
By Rich Santos Published
Does Style Promote Confidence?
Next week I'm going to a dating auction. Before you slam me for giving up or paying for "services," you should know that all proceeds go to charity. For Facebookers in the NYC area search "bachelorette auction fundraiser"
By Rich Santos Published
9 Attractive Qualities Women Look for in a Guy
Features My friends and I have spent many a long night brainstorming that magic formula of characteristics that drives the ladies wild. It is impossible to know just what the mixture is supposed to be, but is there one characteristic that can work alone?
By Rich Santos Published
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When Will I Be "Ready"?
How To The term ",ready", means that a person can function in a healthy long-term relationship. Usually, we say someone was ",ready", when he or she settles down. People may think they are ready at 20, but realize they have a long way to go at age 35.
By Rich Santos Published
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Friends or Lovers?
After all this cluelessness, Ive finally discovered that it helps to become friends with someone before actually dating them. But there are different levels and types of attractions that exist between friends.
By Rich Santos Published
Is Overthinking a Relationship Ever Good?
The reason I screw up so much is that I ignore my good instincts and follow my bad instincts. I need to figure out how to just follow the good ones.
By Rich Santos Published
Four Little Things I Notice About Women
They say the "devil is in the details," but the other night, my friend and I were scanning the bar and noticing minor things about women.
By Rich Santos Published
Have You Ever Tried Role Playing In Bed?
My friends and I are excited for the release of Whos Naylin Paylin, an X-rated film parody featuring Sarah Palin porn star look-alike.
By Rich Santos Published
How Much of Your Past Do You Reveal?
Here are the types of boyfriends that I can deal with hearing about from a girlfriend...
By Rich Santos Published
Does The Perfect Girl Exist?
My perfect girl could be characterized as a "Tom-Princess". Here are five contradictions that exist in my imaginary ideal girl: 1. She is very put together, but she doesn't mind coming apart.
By Rich Santos Published
What I Learned from Stalking Katie Holmes
I only meet a handful of girls that are attractive to me, so when I miss opportunities I get really mad at myself.
By Rich Santos Published
Do You Believe In Singles Events?
This past Friday I attended a singles party.It yielded no results for me, but it did help clear up some characteristics of places where I may have better luck meeting girls.
By Rich Santos Published
Have You Ever Been Stalked?
I remember when "stalking" was unique to relationships. Here, I've laid out the levels of stalking from low-risk to get-the-hell-outta-there.
By Rich Santos Published
How Often Should I Do Something "Special"?
I think the "special" things should not be used to cheer up a girlfriend. When she's very low, she needs general support and to be brought along slowly.
By Rich Santos Published
8 Ways I'm Like a Woman
Features 8 Ways I'm Like a Woman
By Rich Santos Published
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The Art of Persuasion
It seemed impossible that I could learn anything about relationships from my company's presentation training. But during the communication section, we learned: Humans shut off or get frustrated when something is not effectively communicated.
By Rich Santos Published
Yet Another Example Of Shooting Myself In The Foot
Was it worth it to be total Pizza Bitch just so I could makeout with this girl...who probably didn't know whether I was me or my friend who she had just made out with too?
By Rich Santos Published
My First Impression Pointers
I've been on one of those rolls lately that guys get on, but they don't want to jinx it by examining it. Of course, I'll examine it today and jinx it. I've been meeting a lot of attractive girls and maintaining contact after the...
By Rich Santos Published
Angry Democrat Women Hate Me
For those of you who missed the hate-fest against me on, take a quick look at the fallout over my Sarah Palin post. I'm not really Republican or Democrat-I have mixed views. However, I find the angry Democrat girls more fun to annoy...
By Rich Santos Published
What's The Best Love Advice You've Ever Gotten?
Features The first time I asked a girl out I did it by leaving a note in her locker. Later, she walked up to me and just said: "yes," then she ran away giggling. This starting a long trend of girls that would run away from me (only nowadays they are crying).
By Rich Santos Published
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Things About Women That Freak Me Out
I don't think I'll ever understand women. The best I can do is master the things that make sense. I know certain things make girls happy. I know that it's important to give a girl I like attention, to treat her with respect, treat h...
By Rich Santos Published
Ten Dating Red Flags
When determining if you should let things get serious, remember: actions speak louder than words. With that being said, here are ten dating red flags. If you see any of these, do yourself a favor and reconsider if it's worth it fo...
By Rich Santos Published