Rich Santos
Latest articles by Rich Santos
Do You Have Emotional Baggage?
If your baggage becomes apparent too early in the relationship, then a guy will probably bail.
By Rich Santos Published
4 Things That Make Me Unapproachable When I'm Out
Features How can I adjust my body language to appear more welcoming? Do you wait for guys to approach you more than you approach a guy?
By Rich Santos Published
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11 Ingredients to Cook Up Good Sex
How To Sometimes good sex feels like a really tough recipe to me. Any good cook knows he/she is only as good as the ingredients they use.
By Rich Santos Published
How To -
Why Can't We Be Friends?
Some reasons why it's tough to become friends with an ex.
By Rich Santos Published
3 Ways To Say "I Love You"
Features Here are a few nice ways to say "I love you"
By Rich Santos Published
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I Love Getting Rejected
Dating is an endeavor that is laced with rejection.
By Rich Santos Published
Do You Need to Be Lucky to Find Love?
4 elements of falling in love that require a little bit of luck to ensure success.
By Rich Santos Published
Are Luck and Destiny Related?
When I think of the stupid things that happen to me, I wonder if I'm just destined to be luckless and alone.
By Rich Santos Published
How Important Is a Guy's Hair?'s male blogger talks about the importance of hair to a guy.
By Rich Santos Published
Why Are Guys Obsessed With Sports?
Rooting for our sports teams is the modern way of protecting and fighting for the town.
By Rich Santos Published
My Other 9 New Year's Dating Resolutions
I was remembering my botched porno purchase just the other day.
By Rich Santos Published
5 Women's Fashion Mistakes That Turn Me Off
Features Are there any styles that turn me off immediately? You bet. I'd to give you a guy's point of view on style, and how mistakes can ruin any chance of attraction: Too Much Makeup The most striking turnoff for me i...
By Rich Santos Published
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Who Should Make the First Move?
He Said/She Said
By Emily Published
Is Everyone Secretly a Geek?
It dawned on me that any girl that doesn't know the sad details of my total geekiness might really think I'm intimidating.
By Rich Santos Published
How Do I Read A Girl's Signals?
The other day I was telling my buddy how I hit on this really cute girl. Of course, to lame people like us, "hitting" on a girl means just talking to her for five minutes. But hey-you gotta start somewhere.
By Rich Santos Published
5 Necessary Evils to Compete in the Dating World
Features Staying competitive in the dating world requires maintenance. Perhaps this is why I'm so bad at finding the right girl, and dating in general.
By Rich Santos Published
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What I Learned from Those Stupid "He Went to Jared" Commercials
She also mentioned that it was the first date she went on where the guy talked about his balls. (Disclaimer: I really don't remember doing this)
By Rich Santos Published
How Much Do Looks Matter?
I'm may sound really shallow, but I don't think I can date someone who I don't find physically attractive.
By Rich Santos Published
6 Stereotypes Women Have About Men (Stereotypes Part I)
Features Men and women fall into the trap of stereotyping one another because they will never truly understand one another, but this mystery also keeps us intrigued.
By Rich Santos Published
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Body Betrayals On Dates
Some say the human body is a miracle, the epitome of creation. Upon further review, the human body can be downright disgusting. My body betrays me during intense moments, such as first dates...
By Rich Santos Published
Why Do Men Pay For Sex?
A few months back I was surprised to find out that one of my friends had seen a prostitute. Buying sex for me would be the same as buying success, straight A's, or love-all things that require work and passion.
By Rich Santos Published
Why Am I Having Trouble Getting Into The Holiday Spirit?
I recently read some literature that disproved the notion that suicide rates increase during the holiday season. That is all fine and good, but I did some soul searching walking home from work 12/23 about why I suddenly felt depressed and ou...
By Rich Santos Published
Holiday Hurdles for Your Relationship
Here are some pitfalls that the holidays bring every year for couples and singles.
By Rich Santos Published
How Many Drinks Are Too Many?
A lot of you have advised me to lay off the liquor to increase my success with girls. I have to say that I basically agree with this sentiment. But is there a point where a bit of a buzz actually helps loosen me up.
By Rich Santos Published
Recession Dating
To make do during trying financial times, I put together some recession dating ideas.
By Rich Santos Published
The Best Way to Get Under a Guy's Skin Is...
How To Want to know the best way to get a guy's goat? I've talked to a bunch of my friends and done some reflection, and I've decided that the best way to bother us or get our attention is to flirt with a guy.
By Rich Santos Published
How To -
Why Condoms Have a Bad (W)Rap
I do not get along well with condoms. Last time I tried to apply a condom I was drunk. After ransacking my drawer as if I was robbing my own bedroom.
By Rich Santos Published