Rich Santos
Latest articles by Rich Santos
8 Rules for Breaking Up
Features Love is like war in many ways, and the most chaotic part of love is the breakup.
By Rich Santos Published
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3 Questions To Ponder About A Significant Other's Past
Features All of us wonder about our significant other's past in the back of our minds. OK, maybe in the front of our minds. The things men wonder about are probably similar to what women wonder about. And the strange thing is, if I co...
By Rich Santos Published
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The Good & Bad of Changing Because of a Relationship
Most relationships change people. I'm trying to figure out how a person changes for the better or changes in a negative way. The best relationships I've seen balance people out. For example, my ridiculous clueless ways mig...
By Rich Santos Published
How To Lose A Guy in 4 Ways
How To I'm a terrible flyer but, if a hot girl sits next to me on a plane, I suddenly forget all my fears.
By Rich Santos Published
How To -
Power Hunger: Why People Sleep With Their Boss
David Letterman is not particularly good looking, but he slept with a number of females on his staff. When I was out with friends this past weekend, we were discussing the phenomenon. Surprisingly, the two girls we were with admitted they...
By Rich Santos Published
My First Experience As Best Man
My first experience as best man at a wedding was stressful. For example, when I arrived at the church with the rest of the grooms' party the day of the wedding, the flowers and photogrophers were nowhere to be found. In fact, they were...
By Rich Santos Published
Weddings: A Great Place To Meet Ladies
This weekend I'm in Philly to be the best man at my buddy's wedding. Weddings are one of a trilogy great places to hit on women. The other two are bachelorette parties, and bitter "girls night out" Valentine's Day groups. &nb...
By Rich Santos Published
A Deal Breaker In Atlantic City
For my buddy's bachelor party, I booked rooms at the lavish Caesars Atlantic City. Our plan included "Dusk," the club where the late DJ AM presided over the tunes. Upon arrival, I was immediately impressed by the bathroom.  ...
By Rich Santos Published
11 Reasons He Dumped You
Features I'm not sure if knowing why always helps, but perhaps if you know common reasons guys break up with girls, you'll at least be able to see it coming. So, here are mine...
By Rich Santos Published
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9 Wrong Reasons To Like Someone
Features I wish liking someone was simple. Sometimes, people think they like someone when they don't really like them. This phenomenon is based on your situation and circumstance in the dating world.
By Rich Santos Published
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Where Is The Line Drawn With Cheating?
I always thought: anything you wouldn't want your significant other to catch you doing with someone else was cheating. But that's a little unforgiving.
By Rich Santos Published
Memories From My Weekend At The Beach
My college buddies and I spent it wasting our minds and not thinking about anything important.
By Rich Santos Published
What's Your Least Favorite Look On A Guy?
My old roommate once bought a leather jacket that was sold out of the trunk of some guy's car in the streets of New York. It was an "Armani" jacket. But upon closer examination, the tag read: "Armandi".
By Rich Santos Published
What Turns You On?
I don't want anyone seeing me naked. It dawned on me that my turn ons are on the "conservative" side.
By Rich Santos Published
6 Things You Can Learn from a Guy's Apartment
Features I picked out some elements from my apartment that cried "bachelor" like a cabinet full of Ramen Noodles.
By Rich Santos Published
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The Scent Of A Man
Common sense tells us that someone who smells bad is limiting their chances. But, this is not smell as we know it; it has more to do with the body's "natural" odors than perfume or cologne.
By Rich Santos Published
7 Areas a Guy Considers Manscaping
How To We asked guys to come clean about their (sometimes dirty) beauty routines. Men Confess: His Secret Pre-Date Primping Habits
By Rich Santos Published
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3 Dating Red Flags You Can't Ignore
Features I recently met up with a cute friend I hadn't seen in a while. Like any red-blooded American male (sadly), I considered the hookup chances.
By Rich Santos Published
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I Love You So Much That...I Hate You?
Why do people in relationships argue so much? Maybe, when you care about someone, you want to prove yourself to them.
By Rich Santos Published
Who's Responsible for a Love Triangle?
Adultery, unfortunately, touches a lot of our lives. My dad had a girlfriend while married to my mom when I was 8 and it destroyed our family for a while. To my parents' credit, they were able to get through it and eventually got back ...
By Rich Santos Published
My Celebrity Hot List
I like to think I am not obsessed with celebs; the only reason I permit myself to read Us Weekly is because my sister's name is on the address label every month...
By Rich Santos Published
What Makes A Guy Creepy?
I hear women call guys "creepy" for so many reasons: "He likes the Jonas Brothers." Creepy. "He wore a cable knit sweater." Creepy.
By Rich Santos Published
What Would You Sacrifice for Love?
Not that I keep up on Britney Spears headlines, but I couldn't help but notice that she's considering converting to Judaism because her boyfriend is Jewish. She's welcome to do that if she'd like, but it got me wondering about limits...
By Rich Santos Published
Do You Have a Good Dating Mindset?
It's difficult to remain upbeat and positive when you have a string of bad dates, or boring, unattractive people. When the bad experiences pile up you get numb to the whole dating thing.
By Rich Santos Published
6 Tips for Setting Someone Up
How To Some friends of mine decided that their friend, Katie, was "perfect" for me. They launched a campaign to get us together. The tagline was: "We have someone for you. She's just like you." This wasn't the best...
By Rich Santos Published
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Does Aggressiveness Ever Pay?
Let me tell you how my friend's recent date one-upped a vampire for creepiness.
By Rich Santos Published
Does Love Conqure All?
I think love is like the Roman Empire: it conquers a lot, but not all.
By Rich Santos Published