Rich Santos
Latest articles by Rich Santos
9 Reasons for Being Single
Features Valentine's Day forced me to ask myself: why have I remained single for so long? No matter who you are, dating and meeting interesting people is a challenge. Maybe this is why dating is so intriguing. &nbs...
By Rich Santos Published
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7 Types of Breakups Ranked by Recovery Time
Features Which element of a breakup dictates recovery time more: the type of breakup, or the person you broke up with?
By Rich Santos Published
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Are You Always in a Relationship?
My friend and I were recently discussing friends of ours that are always in relationships with no breaks in between. The remarkable thing about these people is that they string together many long term, healthy (at least from the outside loo...
By Rich Santos Published
7 Ways He Is Using You
Features In a parasitic relationship, people use other people to get what they want. Of course that used person ends up getting hurt, even if it's shame or feeling stupid after the cat's out of the bag.
By Rich Santos Published
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10 Ways I Could Tell I Was Attracted to a Girl
Features The stars must align perfectly for me to find a girl attractive. Perhaps I'm too picky, or perhaps I'm not lucky enough to meet great women.
By Rich Santos Published
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When Game-Playing Works
He Said/She Said
By Rich Santos Published
6 Types of Control in Relationships
Features Im afraid to to fly because I am giving up the control of my fate to a pilot and a gigantic piece of machinery that I cant believe can rise 35,000 feet into the air.
By Rich Santos Published
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9 Reasons It's Tough to Be Friends with a Crush
Features Most guy-girl friend duos were once complicated because one person had a crush on the other person. In fact, many of my friendships with women (before I started working) developed because I was attracted to them.
By Rich Santos Published
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3 Ways to Tell if You Are More Than Friends
Features Usually theres a watershed moment that reveals that the relationship is moving to a romantic level.
By Rich Santos Published
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Meeting the Family for the Holidays, Part I
Joining my wacky family for the holidays is a tough proposition for any outsider. We have traditions, sibling rivalries, and many strange activities to worry about each year. The best way for a newcomer to handle our family around the ho...
By Rich Santos Published
8 Rules to Help Deal with an Encounter with Your Ex
Features My friend recently lost her guy friend because of his jerky behavior during their on-again off-again romance. Because they have mutual friends, she's done her best to avoid him by skipping certain social engagements. But she just...
By Rich Santos Published
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Gift Giving Do's and Do Not's
Selecting the right gift for your significant other is difficult because there are many factors to consider to avoid awkwardness. You should avoid risk, and communicate openly about exchanging gifts. If you "wing it," you might make...
By Rich Santos Published
8 Things Men Think When They Try to Meet Women
Features The funny thing about "hitting on" a woman is that, while we guys are often the aggressor, we usually fake: confidence, looking like we are in control, and "smoothness." Internally, there's a storm of thoughts in my head that...
By Rich Santos Published
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10 Ways to Find a Relationship in the New Year
How To There are many circumstances that create the perfect storm for a deep, committed relationship. In addition to compatibility, you need good timing, luck, and both parties must be willing to commit. There's no secret...
By Rich Santos Published
How To -
5 Things to Remember About Flaccidity
Features Remember, guys fear dysfunction more than being small. We tell ourselves that most women don't think size matters, but how we use it is important.
By Rich Santos Published
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4 Observations from the Tiger Woods Affair
It's scary how many women in my office were surprised by this. All of the guys, including myself, shrugged our shoulders and muttered: "Of course he's having an affair."
By Rich Santos Published
What's Your Least Favorite Physical Trait in a Guy?
I've heard women complain about different physical traits they don't like in men. As I get older, I fear that these traits may slowly appear on my person. Things grow......
By Rich Santos Published
What He Means When He Wants a "Break"
Theres a difference between breaking up and a break.
By Rich Santos Published
5 Post Breakup Moods To Overcome After Your Crush Is Finally Single
Features 5 Post Breakup Moods To Overcome After Your Crush Is Finally Single
By Rich Santos Published
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4 Ways To Get Your Guy To Listen
Features Every couple gets into fights; unfortunately in my experience, men can't concentrate and women are great at concentrating. The disconnect is that guys don't listen. If we knew how to speak to one another and listen, we'd cut down on th...
By Rich Santos Published
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The Tragedy of Showing Too Much of My Feminine Side
Do Women Like Sensetive Men - Downside of Feminine Men
By Rich Santos Published
9 Great Places To Meet People (Other Than Bars)
Features Where to Meet Men - Places to Meet Men
By Rich Santos Published
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How Love Can Destroy A Friendship
Most of my "we'll get married to each another if we don't find anyone else by age XX" friends are off the market, but one still remains: Karen. She'd make a great wife because she's passionate and giving to her friends and family, she ...
By Rich Santos Published
When Should You Walk Away?
When I finally find someone interesting, the frustration grows when I hear she has a boyfriend. Sometimes the frustration continues: the girl's friends tell me how lame the boyfriend is, or how he mistreats her.
By Rich Santos Published
3 Questions About "Home-Wrecking"
Steve Phillips, an ESPN "Baseball Tonight" anchor and former General Manager of the New York Mets, was recently exposed for having an affair with a 22-year old assistant. To grasp of the twists and turns of this story, you should ch...
By Rich Santos Published
4 Ways A Guy "Plays It Cool"
Features My niece, Charlotte, is turning 3 in November, but she already has the upper hand on the boys her age. My cousin adopted a Hungarian boy named Paul. He's 5, and he adores Charlotte, but she is not impressed. There's a famous pict...
By Rich Santos Published
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8 Scary Things About Being Older and Single
Features As I continue my long journey of singleness, I'm encouraged by the legions of other singles who glorify their independence.
By Rich Santos Published