Who Should Make the First Move?

He Said/She Said

first date
(Image credit: Neil Kirk)

He Said...

The other day my friend asked me how I'd react if a girl asked me out. I told her I'd be ecstatic, because it would take away all of the work I had to do: the waiting 2.038 days to call her, the wondering, the worrying, figuring out what to say on the phone. But then I took a step back and realized that every girl who has asked me out, I've said yes to regardless of whether I was interested or not. I like to give everyone a shot, and I totally respect a girl who finds me attractive enough to ask out. So, yes, guys love it when a girl takes the initiative. But just remember that the same problem exists for you if you ask us out: We might just say yes and unintentionally give you the wrong idea. Bottom line, it is fair game for either gender to make the move, and it's always good to shake things up! So, go ahead — keep us on our toes.

She Said...

Anyone should be able to make the first move. There is only one first move that is the grandest of them all — the very first initial interaction that signals interest between couples. That can come with a handshake, a flirty smile, the passing of a business card, or the inquiry for a phone number. A woman might make a perceivably smaller first move than a man might. She'll engage more in conversation with him but may not ask for the phone number. Her first subtle move, however, signals him to make the bolder second move. That same scenario can work in the reverse way as well. As long as men and women stay within their comfort zones when plotting a first move, there isn't much chance for it to go wrong. As long as we read the signals correctly, the eventual first move should end up in our favor, no matter who is taking the initial step.


Head, Finger, Fun, Lip, Cheek, People, Hairstyle, Skin, Chin, Forehead,

(Image credit: Archives)

He Said, She Said: Siblings Rich and Emily Santos